Tim Acey 69/70 Henley Harbour / Fiona Andersen (Kitwood) 69/70 Makkovik / Elizabeth Bloom (Hamer) 67/68 William's Harbour and Rexon's Cove/ Peter Bradford 67/68 Charlottetown / Maggie Brett (Kitt) 68/69 Hopedale/ Linda Budden (Addy)65/66 Makkovik / Susan Burd 67/68 Nain / Pamela Clark (Longbone) 67/68 Rigolet / Revd. Andrew Clements 67/68 Henley Harbour / Verity Conner (Styche) 68/69 George's Cove and Port Hope Simpson / Dr. Paul Cox 66/67 Hopedale/ Kevin Crossley 67/68 Hopedale/ Martyn Davy68/69 Henley Harbour Richard Gamble 68/69 Cape St. Charles/ Richard Gauntlett 67/68 Hopedale/ Dr. Mark Hayllar 68/69 Mud Lake/ Christopher Haynes 69/70 Cape St. Charles and Lodge Bay/ Dr. Jim Hiller 61/62 Nain/ Michael Hollis 68/69 Cartwright/ Nancy Johnson (Buchan) deceased Hopedale 68/69 / Sandra Johnson (Crutchley) 68/69 Nain / Richard Kilburn 68/69 Hopedale/ Jones(Knight) 65/66 Makkovik / Nina Lewis (Shiels) 69-71 Hopedale / Geoff Liggins 68/69 Pinsent's Arm / Jean Lyall (Eldon)67-69 Nain / Enid MacNeil (Gardner) 66/67 Makkovik / Elizabeth Ollier (Wright) 67/68 Cartwright / Eric Pearson 67/68 Makkovik/ Jo Pearson (Read) 68/69 Fox Harbour/ John Penny 65/66 Nain / Anna Pollock (Neighbour) 67/68 Hopedale Hilary / Ernie Llewelyn Pritchard 69/70 Port Hope Simpson; Sheila Ruckley (Hinchcliffe)67/68 Port Hope Simpson/ Roland Scott Paradise River, Cartwright 68/69/ Pete Smart 69/70 George's Cove and Port Hope Simpson/ Gus Stafford-Allen 66/67 Hopedale / Patricia Taylor 66/67 Nain/ Ursie Thomas (Eden) 68/69 Mary's Harbour / Stella Val (Sulston)67/68 Cartwright / Sandra Wheeler (Smith) 66/67 Hopedale Tudor Williams 68/69 Rigolet/ David Worn 68/69 Makkovik Matthew Young 62/63 Nain